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Thank you OC. Looking good :D Actually you lnow it's such a relief to be over here - the other place is givin' me a headache :(
Hi Toby - love the new place - builders and decorators have done a great job. Thanks for letting me in - now just need a map - where can I find Control Panel?

Very top of the screen on the right you'll see "My Profile" once you've clicked on that you can click on the pen by your name to edit everything ;)

Very impressive and absolutely brilliant, well done! I haven't yet been to lookie around everywhere, but first glance says it's super and very pro looking! Still not fond of dark themes, but it's better than the default vBulletin blue... (I hate default themes/skins, lol) ;)
Just noticed I'm a "junior" member... guess I've got to grow up! :17: How old do I have to be before I'm an adult? :biggrin-new:
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