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New Guy

It appears to be m8. And a list of the best bits as well.
Not to mention the price.
Don't forget the batteries and charger. They do all them as well at a good price I see.
And not forgetting the discount code to boot.
@anthonyb Discount code? Oh where would I find that? Thats great news. Think I might get one then if I can find a discount code as well.

Is the charger they have there a good one. The XTAR WP2II. It seems to mention every battery but the 18350 which I would use.

Edit: I should really pay attention. I've just seen the big header at the top of the page saying discount codes.
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I don't need a vamo period. Got enough mods, still bought one anyway. Just need to get it past the OH.

:rofl: I should get all my mods and vaping gear together and take a picture...

That should frighten me enough to stop pressing that buy button!!!
@anthonyb Discount code? Oh where would I find that? Thats great news. Think I might get one then if I can find a discount code as well.

Is the charger they have there a good one. The XTAR WP2II. It seems to mention every battery but the 18350 which I would use.

Edit: I should really pay attention. I've just seen the big header at the top of the page saying discount codes.

The discount codes are in the middle of the top bar, click the link then find your vendor.
I don't know about that charger. I got one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290971294992?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649. As recommended by someone on here. It charges your rechargeable AA-AAA's as well.
Me to just spotted your greyed out edit.
:rofl: I should get all my mods and vaping gear together and take a picture...

That should frighten me enough to stop pressing that buy button!!!

I'm just suffering, newbie shinyitus.
Still gotta get me gold plated protanks, for it yet. That's something else to smuggle in past the OH.
@anthonyb Discount code? Oh where would I find that? Thats great news. Think I might get one then if I can find a discount code as well.

Is the charger they have there a good one. The XTAR WP2II. It seems to mention every battery but the 18350 which I would use.

Edit: I should really pay attention. I've just seen the big header at the top of the page saying discount codes.
MrKraken is a great vendor, the Xtar WP2II is a good charger too. I've got both 18350 and 18650 batts for the vamo, I prefer the shorter mode for looks but the 18650 lasts much longer between charges! It's always worth having a couple.
I'm just suffering, newbie shinyitus.
Still gotta get me gold plated protanks, for it yet. That's something else to smuggle in past the OH.

I don't need to smuggle them past OH, I have so much he wouldn't noticed one more... :)
And, unfortunately, the shinyitus doesn't get better... ;)
I think I'm going to get the V5 as well. Unless something else pops up.

Maybe I'll wait a few days and see what you think of it first. Looks like a good mod to jump in with I think.

EDIT: Is this the same one http://www.krakenecigs.com/ksd-vamo-v5 are they a good place to buy from? Its the best price I've seen.

Dodgy fella in my opinion, wouldn't trust him with a barge pole!

Yeah the V5's are at an introductory price at the moment, only got a few in to gauge the main order :) will probably be a couple more quid on top when I get the main order in so I actually make something on the blasted things haha!

But aye, cannae go wrong with a Vamo V5, 2 18650 efests with a carry box and an xtar wp2 for under £50 quid can you? :) The things I do for you lot, I dunno!
Dodgy fella in my opinion, wouldn't trust him with a barge pole!

Yeah the V5's are at an introductory price at the moment, only got a few in to gauge the main order :) will probably be a couple more quid on top when I get the main order in so I actually make something on the blasted things haha!

But aye, cannae go wrong with a Vamo V5, 2 18650 efests with a carry box and an xtar wp2 for under £50 quid can you? :) The things I do for you lot, I dunno!

£28 for the Vamo V5??? Oh god, I wish I hadn't looked now, I'm with you Gilliandrea I don't need another but.... and there's the Troll Snot I've not tried and now I see Dire Wolf bite, another temptation.


Edit - just read the full description of Troll Snot, maybe not!!!!
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Strange - when sending my post, I keep getting a message saying do you want to stay on this page or leave this page and then it double posts. This is intermitant.
KulrMeStoopid, is this a fault?
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£28 for the Vamo V5??? Oh god, I wish I hadn't looked now, I'm with you @Gilliandrea I don't need another but.... and there's the Troll Snot I've not tried and now I see Dire Wolf bite, another temptation.


Finger hit the button, SS V5 with some Troll Snot and Dire Wolf ordered!!!

EDIT: That MrKraken, he knows how to tempt a vaper! ;) ;)
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