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New Limited Edition Flavour

The Brews Bros

Premium Vendor
Dec 3, 2017
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Hi again, hope everyone's well! Thought I'd kick off with a new flavour release for our first proper post since we're back. We've developed a sour strawberry lace flavour as per common request, and we think this one is a winner. If enough people like it, it'll make a return as a permanent flavour after the limited run.

A slight label order issue means this one is "March Flavour of the Month". Really its April 🤦‍♂️, but rather than order a new batch of labels and cause a 4 week delay, we decided to take the plunge and release it with the March label! Been very excited to get this one out, and we hope people enjoy this flavour as much as we did developing and testing it.

Link to check it out here: https://www.thebrewsbros.co.uk/products/march-special-250ml-shortfill

Anyway, have a great weekend everyone. Hope the sun is shining wherever you are 💪

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