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New product release--aspire triton 2 tank

well the triton got used for 2 days but more juice leaked out than was ever vaped in that time, i also have got the atlantis mega tank which yes is good and works well but the cf maxx batterys that i got with it both died within a week of buying them ( lucky vendor local shop gave me money back on them). i went for two of the kanger sub tank after the triton and ok yes they are old hat nowdays but it just works nice and simple.
Looking for another tank now but think it will be the innokin apex or maybe the smok tfv4 mini so Aspire have lost out on a lot of cash from me
When the Triton came out everyone moaned about not being able to dismantle the tank for cleaning, now they have changed that you are still complaining

As I have said before mine never leaks, I have 2 Zephyrus loved by many on here which leak like bloody sieves and the flavour is muted compared to the Triton, no idea why, plenty of cloud but little flavour

My next tank was going to be the tfv4 mini but might have to rethink now

Good job there's not a hate button on here :D
I'm wondering if these Clapton coils will fit the original triton? Will the wick's soak up as much juice & leave the tank a soggy flooded mess like the rest of the sub ohm coils in the triton range thus far?

The new Clapton coil is comaptible with Triton,Atlantis,Atlantis 2,Atlantis Mega.
Is this not a piss take with release dates?

i mean the first came out like 3 months ago and the second which fixes everything that was wrong comes out within a few months?! Who in their right mind is going to buy the upgrade so soon?

It reads as a 'we made a product with the best intentions but didnt test it' and when the actual testers came out and told you how it didnt work the fix version will cost the same price!

aspire can you send me one to try out and i can review? I'll be as big a cynic as anyone over the new tank but i do believe this triton 2 will be a much better quality. So for someone who bought the original, i am happy to give my honest thoughts if you could send one my way?
It is a piss take testing there products on there paying customers.
Not even having decency to come on here and speak to us. Just try and sell more aspire that will work.
Very very poor
I still think it a wicking & vacuuming issue that's causing the problems on the original triton, when I managed to actually get it to hold liquid it vaped like a champ, just don't understand why the only thing I can do to stop the tank from emptying itself is to put it on fill mode, will I buy the Clapton coils?....probably
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