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Hi again people. Just a quick update on the new e-cig. Things seem to be going great. Yesterday I only had 1 roll up all day and was more than happy vaping all day on spearmint. Im not thinking that everyday will be like that but im thinking its a good start.
Welcome to the forum and well done on cutting back on the fags.

Don't be afraid of quitting altogether though, I stopped entirely on the first day of vaping and although I had some withdrawal symptoms, they weren't nearly as bad as not getting the nicotine once I found a juice I liked with the right throat hit.

Just have to remember that your body is getting used to not getting the 1000s of other chemicals in your fags and that goes after the first day or so!
I ordered an Innokin Itaste MVP2 & one of these http://www.vapeescape.co.uk/Deluxe-...on-1000/Vape-Escape-Vision-1000-Ultimate.html from VapeEscape, both with strong (24mg) tobacco flavour juice. I ordered on Friday & they arrived yesterday lunchtime. I've not had (or wanted) a stinky since. I think I'm doing quite well considering I was on about 20 fat hand rolled with no filters a day & have been for many years. Yay me! Hope I can keep it up, just want some different juices now, maybe not quite as strong next time.
Hey and welcome. Looks like your already doing really well giving up. I was never too sure if i could actually do it but i have my first month fag free tomorrow, and i am so glad and was never this happy while smoking. Now would probably be a great time to talk to your bank manager and start apologising it's all so tempting :p
I personally find 24 waay too high and I was a fairly heavy smoker at over 20 roll ups a day, haven't had one since the first day of vaping.
well done at cutting out the stinkies! Personally after smoking 30+ rollies a day I never touched another after the first day vaping and feel so much better for it. I surprised myself at how easy I found it and have never looked back (nearly 5 months in now) although Charlotte is right - your bank manager may not like it if "shinyitus" sets in!Lol Apart from that the best advice is to stick with it in a way that suits you and read,read,read -there is a minefield of information to draw on out there.Good luck!
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