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Oct 25, 2013
Hi I only started using a vaporizer just over a week ago, I had been using an e cig before then but it had never helped me stop smoking so I bought my first vaporizer from my local spar a de-bang and have never looked back since it has helped me stop smoking but I needed another battery and cleromizer so I got the rainbow spinner and a protank 2, I have also got a Davide on order that should be here on Monday, I am keeping my de bang battery for a while but will eventually replace it in time, maybe I won't need to if I wean myself off the vaporizers, I am going to try reducing the amount of nicotine I have in them over the next few weeks but don't want to rush things and go back to smoking again, does anyone have any tips they can give me with regard to buying the liquids as they seem to vary a lot in price and I am not sure what 70% pg/30% vg means or what I should be looking for, so you will see me pop up a few times asking for help :thankssign: [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]70%p[/FONT]
Hello and welcome zoegb1. There is a wiki on here that gives a lot of basic info. Have a browse through that as it should help with some initial questions you have. Re PG / VG, copied from the net:

"What's the difference between PG eliquid, VG e-liquid, PG/VG Mix?

Vegetable Glycerin (VG) e-liquid is a thick, a little sweet liquid. VG e-liquid produces luscious clouds of vapor. VG e-liquid also imparts a sweeter taste to your liquid.

Propylene Glycol (PG) e-liquid is a much thinner liquid. PG e-liquid produces more of a “throat hit” than VG e-liquid does, which simulates the feel of smoking better. PG e-liquid also has a higher rate of sensitivity for some people, meaning that some people just can’t use PG in their vape.

PG e-liquid tends to give you a better throat hit and a lot more flavor. VG e-liquid on the other hand, allows your atomizer to produce a lot more vapor. Now, VG e-liquid is a thicker and more sticky fluid, and although most people do not show signs of allergy with VG, there are minority groups who complain about having phlegm buildup in their throats. The more VG e-liquid you use, the less of a throat hit you’re going to get – that’s the general idea.

60%/40% mix of VG and PG in your e-liquid can produce great vapor and more flavor. If you like, you can tend to use mix of both PG and VG in particular ratios, such as 70%VG/30%PG. This is the optimum ratio for most each uses as it provides a nice throw hit, good flavor as well as tons of vapor production."
:welcome1: to POTV

You have got a nice setup with the spinner and PT2 :)

However I felt the same as you at the very beginning, I have reduced my nic intake but I have taken to vaping as a hobby :D
I use it as a sensation device not cessation now. The hand to mouth, nicotine and for psychological factors too, not to deliberately stop my nicotine intake, although I have reduced it now ;)
Hi & Welcome to the Planet

Great starter setup well see you good for a decent length of time
Hi zoegb1! Welcome to the Planet! :welcome1:

Most of us here vape as a hobby now rather than wean off them. I don't think I would have ever said that I enjoyed smoking, the odd ciggy was nice (after dinner was always my fave) but as a whole, nope, it was nothing more than habit and nicotine
I really, REALLY enjoy vaping! All the flavours you can try, you can chop and change as you please, it's ok to do indoors (especially this time of year!) and ofcourse the many health benefits of not smoking anymore.

Embrace the vape! :)
Hi. I use vape-it.co.uk for all my E-Juice needs. They have a huge range of liquids. The R2V range is ready to vape on arrival, no need to steep. They will also custom mix E-Juice, this will need to be steeped. vape-it.co.uk will supply liquid in 100ml and 500ml bottles, if you have a favourite flavour. Excellent company, I highly recommend.
Thanks everyone and I at the moment I seem to have the vaporizer in my hand more than not, I am hoping I can cut this down as the weeks go by, I will take a look at that website and through all of the info when I get time to sit at my lap top, I am so glad I started vaping as I use to go outside to smoke with no one else in the house smoking, thanks everyone for your warm welcome and I will no doubt see everyone again at some point :)
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