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New to Vaping.. Where next?


Aug 19, 2013
Hi guys
Just signed up to the forums. Been Vaping for about a month or so now but not sure where to go next.

So far I have an Innokin iTaste VV with 3 iClear 16 tanks and about 7 or 8 different liquids.

Really enjoying Vaping so far but wondering what kit I should be looking at next to either compliment what I have or move on to.

Any suggestions?
Youve got a nice kit all ready... next move would be into rebuildable stuff or bigger battery mods :)
+1 or DIY ejuice? It really depends on what you like about vaping :)
You forgot to mention the best DIY concentrate PF.
Which ever one I'm vaping at the moment! Seriously there are so many good ones around these days I couldn't narrow it down. Love Capella, love mom and pops and judging by the smell coming from my kitchen due to my last mix session tjuice is going to be bloody amazing too!
Nice one guys. Think I'm going to look into the rebuildable stuff that sounds quite interesting.
I too have that kit and was wondering the same, I was unsure if the itaste vv & iclear 16 was up there as a decent kit so thanks very much for the info :) I shall stop looking for something better until I am ready for rebuilds or mixing
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