@Kaushal Dhawan and

to the planet.
Everyone is so friendly here so good to have you among us. The best ultra simple device I've seen is the Vaporesso Xros Pod system which performs well for what it is but there are far better options out there if you're happy to put a bit more time into learning what to do.
If you're trying to quit smoking but don't know what you would enjoy most in vaping I'm a great advocate of hybrid tanks for vaping newbies because they offer a lot more flexibility in vaping styles for you to test what style of vaping you enjoy most. A lot of it is experimenting to find the things that work best for you because everyone is different.
The Aspire Tigon is one that I've tried and can recommend as a good starter tank and there is also the HellVape HellBeast which is another hybrid although I haven't tried it personally. Then there is a new one coming out at the moment called the Fireluke 22 tank by Freemax which will also be included as part of the Freemax Twister 30w Kit. So far the kit is only on sale on the Freemax website though.
Then you'll need a device called a mod which provides the power and allows you to control the settings for your tank and you'll need to choose what juice and there are literally thousands to choose from.
There are tons of mods that will all work for a starter but I'd suggest something fairly small but decent like the Geek Vape Aegis Mini or the Vaporesso Target Mini 2.
When it comes to juice that depends how much you smoke and how much nicotine will suit you. Something between 10 to 20mg of nicotine is likely to be the best for people trying to quit. PG/VG ratio is also an important thing to consider and those tanks will be best with 50/50 juices so all you need to do then is choose what flavour you like the look of.