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Nope But I've Got Views on TW which I will keep to myself!!! Have a look at the discount code section on here, there's plenty of Good Vendors there and well cheaper!!!:stop:
this is a good kit as you will want to upgrade as you get into vaping. the evod starter is a nice kit but this is mid range and you may end up getting something like this after the evod kit, i would jump straight in here as you will save money in the long run.

Haven't tried the svd but I have a vtr which is nice. However I also have a ksd kmax which i chose over the svd because it had a cleaner look and a rather cool hidden screen that only becomes visible when you press the button. I have this coupled with a pro tank 2 and a cheap vivi nova and hate to admit but its a slightly better vape than the more expensive vtr. Myepack sells these aswell.

Both of these are also sold by myepack
Yup myepack for innokins I'm not gonna slag the tw oddysey off as I've never tried it it's a bit too dear for my budget - go with the Innokin svd,mvp,or vtr I just bought an mvp 2.0 for 40 quid with everything I need mod charger tank plinth ring and it can be used as a backup to charge your phone if it's iPhone or mini or micro usb which most are it's a really well built mod

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