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Newbie from Grantham, Lincs.


Sep 24, 2013
Hi all, not so new to vaping but only just figured out Tapatalk! Been vaping for just over a year now, and trying to start my own mini revolution in the flatlands! I've spent many an evening stalking POTV threads, and think I might have got more out of Vapefest had I spoken up earlier. Forum members I got talking to in the flesh were lovely and open to sharing recipes, tech advice and advice on removing coffee from the front of white dresses ;). Currently using an Itaste SVD and protankII (mixed emotions on both). I've just opened a shop with a friend, but won't shout about that as I haven't found my way around POTV yet. All advice gratefully received (and the dress cleaned up perfic btw). X
Hiya :-) I went to college in Grantham, spent most of my late teens going out there... Well mainly getting thrown out the blue pig
Aaaah the blue Pig! Very pro vaping pub! Thanks for the welcome :D
Is the pig pro vaping? Awesome, maybe I need a trip over . Is the beehive and black dog still there? What's your age range I you don't mind me askin... I know a lot of ppl in Grantham, of a certain age :D
I'm an old lady! 46 last Friday, I haven't been in Grantham all my life; it just feels that way. Originally Bucks/ London/ Newcastle ( mixed up much). More pubs than people in Grantham due to the fact most have got asbos and are only allowed 1 unit in each :/. Seriously, Grantham is ok especially now it has a vape lounge...of course.
It has a vape lounge? Awesome ... Tell me , if you know him does Stan the man (Andy Stanton ) still do the rounds. He's always been a man about town
Noooo don't know Stan....I don't think? I know two Stan's really but haven't a clue if he is either (rubbish me). If you're ever in the area...
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