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Newbie Here - hello vapers

Thanks everyone. I've ordered an Aspire mini kit and battery - the review was just too good.
I've ordered some liquids from the pound shop - thanks crewella.
I couldn't get the manabush site to work - shame really, they look quite good. I'll try again at some point but looking forward to getting my stuff and vaping.
Again thank you - I would have probably spent ages trawling websites that just want to sell you their product. It's great to have informed advice.
Good to hear you've made a choice and it's a good one from looking at the the review plus if it was crap Vic would say so. If you havent bought any yet you'll need batteries so I have linked you to a pair of LG's that will be ideal for that mod and charging bay Nitecore D2 remember John's price are delivered prices.
Oh and here's a snippet of info you.
It's called a mod because back when you couldn't buy a mod with any sort of decent power you would modify a touch and we still are always modifying gear today. Hence the name Mid [emoji6]


Well the stuff arrived today - looks really cool, like a mini light saber. The instructions that came with it were a bit unclear for the tank, I skipped through that bit accidentally and started reading about the Mod!! All gobbledegook to me Kanthal, sub-ohm, bypass etc.
Anyway I thought whilst the battery was charging I'd fill the tank. I remember from the video above that it all comes apart nicely and goes back together eventually. Again from the video I turned the dial to the drip icon - fine, then I remembered it was a 'top' fill tank. I then proceed to squirt my 'british tobacco' juice into the top, I couldn't see it filling up and then 'lo and behold' - my lovely juice started pissing out of the bottom all over my hands, the dog, the cat etc. Ahh I remember now - there are air holes open!!! Ha! twist the bottom and close the holes, try again. Juice still pissing out like a German Gusher.
Mmm... wait a minute, in that video he unscrewed the mouthpiece. Aaahh my bad.
So I finally managed to fill the tank. Got some charge into the battery and I'm ready to rock and roll.

The mod was set to 10.5 Watts, ok it can go up to 50 if needed so I thought it best to start low.

I hit the fire button and heard it fizzing a bit then took a lung full.

I don't know if any of you have ever inhaled neat fluid directly into your lungs, it was a bit of a surprise to be honest. Also there was enough vapour to fill a small football stadium - this followed the neat fluid - directly into my lungs.

The sensation was not like I normally get from smoking, it was more like firstly inhaling 20 burning ends of a cigarette, then followed by all the smoke from those 20 cigarettes in one lungfull. Needless to say, I wish I had passed out due to lack of oxygen at this point but oh no - I was still conscious. Luckily the coughing fit and retching only lasted about twenty minutes, after this time I was able to crawl to a kitchen chair and sit down. My dog knew something serious had happened and by the time I sat down she had run out of the kitchen and telephoned the emergency services.

That was my first experience of vaping.
Ah. I know not of the Aspire, but I'm sure someone will be along soon. Look on the bright side, at least you weren't inhaling 20 burning ends of a cigarette.

Next time, blow first to make sure the air way is clear.

Those coils run at 16w max, it should be printed on the side of the coil.
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