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Sep 4, 2015

Another question here, I've currently got a cool fire 4 with an Atlantis V2/I Sub G

I will be upgrading my Cool fire 4 in several weeks time (Quite like it at the moment) although would want it compatible with my cool fire and other MODS XCUBE ext...

I'm learning more and more by reading on here and by speaking to others although I've decided that I'd like to give dripping a go.

I have seen that people recommend the Volocity? I can't find ANY for sale in the UK that are not clones (Are clones bad? Why not get the original?) Any the prices seem to vary a lot. Any links to good sellers would be appreciated.

Also in regards to the kit that I would need (Wire to make coils) what would you recommend? Being new, I will follow tutorials/instructions on YouTube/on here and go from there.

Any other items that I would need? Wire cutters?

By the time I order the items, I will continue to read up and ask questions.

Help would be appreciated again :-)
Have you built your own coils before? Before you get into rebuilding you will need to know and understand a few things to make sure you're as safe as can be. Read up on battery safety (art of vaping has a good battery safety video), understand how to use ohms law to predict the current you will be pulling from your battery and device for a particular build at a given wattage /voltage. Steam engine is a useful calculator that can do this for you as well as giving you an excellent coiling tool which can help you predict what different wraps of different wire will give you in terms of resistance. To that end make sure you have a decent ohms reader so that you protect your device from an unsafe build. The velocity is a great dripper and the original is on back order from the original maker due to demand and machining problems and go for over 100 quid, the clones are of varying quality but are typically a decent way to explore whether it's a device that suits you and I wouldn't hesitate recommending it (I believe that noble vape had them for a decent price). Wire wise start off using 28 gauge kanthal a1 resistance wire (the crazy wire company and stealthvape probably best for this). In terms of tools, if you don't already have wire cutters and the other tools, coil master have a build kit that has pretty much everything you need to get going albeit it's not brilliant quality but will serve its purpose. Some organic cotton to go with this and you should be set after watching lots of youtube videos and practicing. I'm sure you'll get more advice but good luck and I'm sure you'll find your way!
I would recommend one of those purpose built boxes to measure resistance, they are dirt cheap and more adapted to the job than standard multimeters. Unless of course you have a box mod able to check the resistance for you like the istick 40w or similar products.

All coils need testing when mounted just to make sure the resistance is ok for your battery Amp capacity and that you are happy there is no short. 28AWG is a good start as it is rigid enough to get good results while thinner Kanthal wire can be a pia when you start.
I have a Velocity clone that I bought from Grey Haze and it's excellent, machining is great and I've had no issues with it at all. The reason I didn't get the original is that it costs around £110 where as my clone cost £15, huge price difference.

Wire wise I'd recommend Stealth Vape for good quality wire and great customer service. I'd agree with Beastie and olioli that 28g Kanthal would be a good wire to start with.

Kit wise you can't go wrong with something like this https://redjuice.co.uk/parts-and-accessories/wire-wicks-and-mesh/coil-master-diy-kit-v2.html
Thank you!

Think that's everything I need.

Oh cotton, I have got some Organic Cotton Wool Pads from Boots, good?

Any recommendations? Trying to keep this as cheap as possible.

Really appreciate the help, this forum is fantastic!
Grey haze have sold out of the velocity unfortunately, anywhere else sell high quality ones?

Thank you for all of your help, I have ordered the coil and the kit. Going to look at the cotton now.

Going to be my first time dripping, off to Corfu and will have all the kit ready once I get back (Going to order stuff to make my own liquid also, excited!)

If there is anything else I have missed and need to order please let me know
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