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Newbie says hello.


Nov 3, 2013
New to the delights of vaping .Been of the cigs for 12 days , and can not believe how painless it has been . Looking forward to reading all the posts on this great forum .
Welcome to the planet and congratulations on the switch. :)
Hello and welcome Crackerman, well done on ditching the fags, you should be feeling a bit healthier by now and your taste buds are probably coming back to life!!
:welcome1: Well done so far, it gets easier as time goes on, just watch the pockets lol you end up spending loads on new items so quickly lol
Thanks for the replys folks. Using usual echo d type starter kit , looking to upgrade but where do I begin ? So much equipment available ...:frustratedcomputer:
Well done! I'm another "can't believe how painless" newbie. Rock on!
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