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newbie vaper

Hi guys I've been vaping for around 3 weeks and have a few questions I hope to be answered. First off I use a ego t and 24mg liquid I smoked about 5 roll ups a day.
1, how much vaping is normal? I'm having about 15 drags a minute and I keep getting moaned at that I use it too much.
2, in the shop I go to ( a place called smoke no smoke) when I test a liquid I taste the full flavor, e.g cherry cola, but when I take it home there's barely any flavor why is this?
3.I enjoy experimenting mixing flavors but have two different strengths would it increase the nicotine mg mixing them together?
4. My clearomizor ( or whatever its called) has started getting little black bits in and its mixing with the liquid any idea what's causing it?
5. What's the best flavor you have had, best place to buy from?

Sorry for all the questions.

You've had multiple replies, but thought I'd throw in 2 cents worth.

1, how much vaping is normal? I've gone from a light smoker to an all day vaper. If concerned you're using too much, I dropped the nicotine level to one below my 'required' in order to account for my love of all day vaping.

2, in the shop I go to ( a place called smoke no smoke) when I test a liquid I taste the full flavor, e.g cherry cola, but when I take it home there's barely any flavor why is this? Are you using your own equipment to sample? It could be that the liquid requires steeping. Alternatively, if you're rocking a different set up to what you're sampling on, this could be a factor.

3.I enjoy experimenting mixing flavors but have two different strengths would it increase the nicotine mg mixing them together? I'd say it's probable. Try a custom mixing site such as vapology or 8bit if you're wanting a mix that can't be bought.

4. My clearomizor ( or whatever its called) has started getting little black bits in and its mixing with the liquid any idea what's causing it? Check your coil head and perhaps replace. A burnt taste or colour darkening/debris can be indicative of need to replace.

5. What's the best flavor you have had, best place to buy from? Very berry cool from vapology in a 60/40 mix. Delicious and huge amount of vape.

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