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Newbie with questions


Apr 2, 2014
Good morning all

I've been using VIP e cigs for about 6months (tried sky cig but didn't get on with them)

However I really want to reduce my costs

To do this I'd like to go the shisha route and use eliquids

But I would like a shisha type device that uses 18650 type lithium batteries

Why ? I have hundreds of them for free

I'd really appreciate any pointers here

Many thanks
:yahoo:Hello its nice to see you!!! ( And what she said)
Thanks very much - looks ideal

And yes I do have very good chargers due to my electric bike hobby

Can you recommend the other bits to go with the 18650 battery holder

For your assistance
Hi and welcome!!
My personal experience with vaping is that most of the power devices are the same as far as function. I choose my mods based on look mainly. Do some shopping around (there are plenty of top quality suppliers out there) and check out some youtube reviews of the devices that you like. You will be able to see them in action and get an idea of whether it is something you will like. More important to me is the atomiser part of the device as this is what produces the vapour. As a new vaper, you are probably looking for something simple to work with. A lot of the starter kits on websites have the replacement atomisers/tanks etc available so you don't have to buy the battery part if you already have a mod to power it.
Most of the people at my office use Vision eGO Clearomisers - If you do go down the route of eGO-based atomisers, you will need to make sure that your mod of choice can take them or you can also get adapters for most atomisers and mods.
Welcome to the planet
I would recommend the Innokin MVP2, Size of a pack of smokes, Self contained battery, Holds charge for days, rugged and dependable.
No battery or charger to buy.
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