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Hello @tweezers ,Delighted to make your acquaintance !!!
Hi Tweezers and welcome to the Planet.
What brand of e-cigarettes were you using? If you could give some more information on what you like it will be easier to help you.
Hi there. Thank you for the welcome. I've been using Kangertech Evod. I've just realised this site sells them (sorry, bit slow there!). Just having a look.
No problem, You can still get the kangertech evod and the clearomisers from Amazon if you like this device and they are very cheap on the UK site too £12 for the device and £6 for the cleaomiser not sure about delivery to France though or you could try a different device from site I shown before, need any advice ask away everyone's pretty helpful on here
Welcome to the planet Tweezers. Hopefully you’ve got some good advice already but feel free to ask away if you need more mate
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