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the MVP is a solid piece of kit, feels great in the hand, and it is all contained. No chargers and batteries to contend with. It also has a socket in it to allow you to charge other items, such as if you dare take your iphone off charge for more than an hour!

I think its fair to say, i have a lot of vape gear, but as i sit here writing this, i have my MVP next to me

it works, it lasts, its solid, and you can get away with walking about with it outside
Vamo V5 & MVP V2 both really great. Both worth every penny. If you buy either you'll be onto a winner. Neither are perfect (as if there were such a thing). Vamo can't flush mount attys and MVP can't swap batteries. Both 9.5/10 though and you'll not get better for the ££s IMO.

10 PRINT "Sent from my ZX Spectrum"
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