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Nic Salts Help

peppery tickle sound like either cheap nicotine or nic that is at end of life. are there any use by dates on the bottle?
Yh, i'm thinking it's more that. I have some nic salt that is pretty old. And it gave me a peppery feeling in my throat and made me cough a lot. Probably best to stop smoking it and get another bottle.
another nic salt cougher. i quite liked it at first but after a while it started making me cough and an irritated feeling in the throat and lungs. nasty stuff imo if it doesn’t agree with you. :)
I have been able to get around this by using a dtl tank, taking a quick puff and not inhaling it deeply.

I also recently discovered that i have an ultra sensitivity to pg and its not as obvious that is what it is as u might think.

It also takes longer than u think for your throat and lungs to fully recuperate from all the damage smoking does to it, especially when you are vaping while it heals
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