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No Resistance and resistance wire joining

Generally speaking, you are not meant to be putting the joins themselves through any holes though, if that is what you meant.

im an idiot. i didnt think of wrapping the coil , putting it through the ceramic and then twisting them exposed ends. cheers.
Um, hmmm, okay? I think.

basically i was trying it before wrapping the coil and trying to press it in , but the wire wouldnt go through the holes , so in theory i just have a longer piece of wire , wrap my coil then install it into the ceramic cup i can just cut down the ends and twist no res wire onto them from there.
Me, I can't be arsed to check ohms of a coil before I wrap, but the total length and thickness of the actual resistance wire you use in res/no res near as much determines the ohms, you pretty much wrap the whole amount of the res wire you use, apart from the knots, around your wick, then only pull the non-res through the holes until the coil is nicely adorning the top of the ceramic, which is pretty much where the knots should be also.
Say a good length to try out with the res wire, initially, would be 3cm, see how that works for you, etc...
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