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No thanks innokin £140 lol

according to this review it offers unmatched responsiveness and detailed control over the settings. monitor and adjust settings on the go. the pinnacle of innovation :)

an a free bag of assorted butcher meat 🤣
Them pink square slice, that remain pink even when incinerated can't be right man...Im tellin ye
I worked with a guy n he said he would get the butcher meat fur the gaff cheap n it was good he said....it was aw that pink shit fae the Barra's man, even the black pudding was pink :)
Dunno. When any product is sold by a mainstream Chinese manufacturer with a DNA board inside the starting price is generally about a hundred quid more than one with a generic board - but generally they are available within 3 months at the sub 100 quid mark.

It seems bizarre selling it with a stock coil tank though.
140…lol, decimal point is too far to the right….
Still, I’m not a big fan of DNA boards anyway, as having had 2 fail on me in the very past. I have a very old 26650 Pico mod that still works flawlessly.
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