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Jan 20, 2013
I've got a vamo v2 and just tried using a clearomizer and a tank set up. Much prefer the taste and the ease at which I can vape. Really like the crackling sound too, however every now and again I don't get a crackling sound and no vape almost as though its dry then I try again and the crackle and vape is there.
Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a quirk of this set up?
Stretch your Spring out a little bit, sounds like it might be miss firing, if that doesnt work, make sure the center pin on your carto/clearo is pulled out enough that its making contact with the plate in the connection of the Vamo
Are you using it on the NO1 or NO2 setting (if you hold down both small buttons for around 10 secs)? NO1 is an average setting so won't always fire the same - needs to be on NO2 setting - any probs, let us know as its an easy fix :)
Thanks for the tips will try those.
Its almost like it doesn't wick quick enough if that makes sense.
If you are using a really thick juice it can be a pain.
As for the RMS or Average setting, should fire on both regardless.
Is it a Carto & Tank, or Clearo with tank built in?
Some Vamos have been reported to have a delayed fire, but this is consistent and shouldn't be seen on a rare occurrence.
Not sure if this is connected but sometimes it takes 6 presses to turn on instead of the 5 to turn it off
Mine often enough doesnt do it, I can press the button & wait a second or 2 before it heats the coil. Slightly annoying, but I'm happy considering the price I paid compared to the other options out there. It always fires eventually. Just press the button again.
Got my vamo Wednesday set it up lovely. Thursday morning nothing and all attys coming up 9.9. Not impressed
Had a quick chat with the seller yesterday, I stretched the spring slightly put in a freshly charged battery made sure I was on no2 and vw and so far its been great
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