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Noob mixer help

Heavy Lung

Jun 2, 2014
I'm gonna have a crack at making Grants Vanilla Custard "Clone"

I got the ingredients, but could do with a step by step instruction for my child like brain :30:

Ive got Capella Vanilla custard flavour, Dulce de leche, and 12g Ethyl Maltol crystals.

I did do a search n found loads of posts, but am feeling a bit retarded still as what to do lol.

Just wondering if any one makes this them selves and could run me through it. Pretend your explaining it to a 4 year old

i'm fairly new to this myself..but apart from dealing with yer crystals it's pretty straightforward..
get the potv liquid calculator app
put in yer figures
nic base figure=prob 72,itll say on the bottle
how much you wanna make
what % vanilla custard you want, 10-20% depending on recipe
what%dulche de leche you want, 2% depending
What% em you want...or 1or 2 drops per 10ml

Err on the not enough side of things ,you can add later

Just gotta find out what to do with crystals..pretty easy i think
Thanks, will have a bash now. Do I mix the flavours first then add the rest (pg/vg/nic) and allow to steep or steep just the flavours and Em first ?
Do it all at once. Get the bottle you are going to use, add ?ml of PG, ?ml of VG, ?ml of nic, ?ml of flavour, then give it a shake and leave it to steep.
some folk let the flavours steep for a while first then add the rest...
time seems to be the key..easier said than done though ;-)

I'm using water baths,caps off and a coffee frother with the big bit on the end busted off(so it'll fit in small bottle)

Dont fancy risking the micro as i had a near disaster with a rapidly melting bottle
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