Thank you all for the kind words! You know, usually spaniards introduce ourselves this way in forums, just asking for offers is kind of rude, isn’t it? It’s all about the community, and I’m really glad to become a part of this one.
@Raysito22 ! Love your introduction!! I know what you mean about the politicians not listening to us. I'm in the States and they are trying to say it causes popcorn lung , the flavors are to attract kids etc etc....
My husband won't touch a vapor now because his cardiologist told him vaping can cause popcorn lung. He has had 2 heart attacks a quadruple bypass, high bp, high cholesterol etc..
I finally quit smoking and just vaping this past Dec. I have COPD, and asthma ...
I waited to late ... But at least I did finally switch and I gave myself some extra time with my family. Not a lot but a few more years God willing...
Looking forward to getting to know you !
If I'm ever in your neighborhood I'll stop by LOL
First of all, my best wishes to noth of you. I also have asthma, so did my mom. About the “popcorn lung”, here is something you and your husband might find useful: . To summarize, there is no evidence that vaping does that. Besides, it’d be due to diacetyl if anything, which is banned in the EU, and that means most e-liquids sold worldwide won’t have it (since having two formulas, one for EU and another for USA is counterproductive). Also, asking the liquid makers for information on it should put you in the right path to avoid diacetyl, so no risk is taken. USA lawmakers are unfortunately way under big pharma’s influence to state otherwise.
And should you have the opportunity, do come to the Canary Islands! It really is paradise.
Hi and welcome.
I don't get involved in politics too much anymore as it just pisses me off some of the crap that goes on these days. I've always attributed the hostility from governments towards vaping to be because it's upsetting the apple cart, the huge profitability that smoking brings. Whether that be taxation, politicians holding shares and interests or simple backhanders. Pardon my language, but it absolutely fucking stinks of lies corruption.
On a lighter note, look forward to seeing you around the forums.
I truly believe it’s both, corruption from those we all know have interests within big pharma, be it due to stocks or party financing, as well as missinformation. We live in the era of missinformation, the wrongly named “fake news era”, in which the lowest IQ members of our society believe they are rightous to make an opinion even on proven, scientific issues. I don’t believe it’s due to state financing, since state dismantling is number one priority for lots of ruling powers around the world. Besides, there is no shown evidence that it is economically efficient that people smoke, since it means, mainly in contries with social security, that cancer and other smoke disease related treatments, which cost a fortune, must be taken care of.
Back in the days of TPD regulation, here in Spain, we sent lots of information to a european member of parliament. He never had time to read it since he had thousands of papers from big pharma and tobacco lobbyists. Nowadays some tobacco lobbyists have changed and try to favour us (and themselves since they are changing their businesses), although I believe they relly don’t help since they are untrustworthy due to their work back in the 60s-70s. It goes to show that even well intended politicians can and will be missinformed as long as informations travels among those who control the channels.
Unfortunately, vapers are in a place of uncomfortable-comfort at the time being. A lot of us have experienced how, as business has grown, so has the toxicity among some communities. The interest in retaining what some people earn today is above the long term resolution on the regulations that are upon us. But fortunately, UK leads a different path when it comes to vaping, for that they can be proud. And they shall show the way to lots of other countries in due time.
PS: Spain is the only country in the EU where there are more smokers every year. 37% of the population, and growing. In the Canary Islands it’s even worse, with very little taxes on tobacco, ranging from 1,50€ up to 3,50€ a pack. That’s why I am very enthusiastic on these issues. It’s a huge negligence. The age people start smoking here is 13. Imagine the rage it causes me when I read papers on the “Juul atracts children into vaping” thing...