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Speak to @Dexter - he's got a cracker for you ;)

Judging by the reviews so far, it's more like the elusive get you off the vape, vape! Have a look at the tomato ketchup thread in juice reviews. I can squeeze a few mls from the bottle, if you want - and of course, welcome to the Planet! :2thumbsup:
Thank you for the welcomes. I've had my share of bad juices, the worst being a French Pipe Tobacco, what the description forgot to say was that it was bottled from a French sewer pipe.
Hello, I'm new to the forum but not to vaping. I've vaped on and off for over 18 months but never found the elusive get me off the cigs vape.
I'm getting into mixing now and hope to pick up some good tips here.

Welcome :)
try hitting up some of eBarons HouseOfLiquids tobacco range ... they are awesome for when you need that get off a ciggy cape
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