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Notice of intended change to some of our products. FFS


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Staff member
Jul 18, 2012

Notice of intended change to some of our products.
Hi Everyone

So - its happened to us again! Im not sure if you are aware the FDA over in the US of A has been steadily demonising the vape industry for awhile now, and has implemented a lot of laws that have taken down many, many US vape shops and manufacturers with some very prohibitive and expensive pay to play legislation. Far in excess of what we in the UK or even the somewhat more uptight EU has implemented.

Sadly this has once again caused a flavouring house we use to go down!

While we have since the last debacle made very concerted efforts to avoid many overseas flavouring companies (for this very reason) - there have been just a couple of irreplaceable concentrates.

However having been bitten once - we are a bit more prepared this time around.

We have some small stocks of the concentrates in question, so will be able to keep the flavours going for a short time while we reformulate - thankfully, we have seen this coming and have already been working on replacements for a few months - and already have mostly ready replacements for this flavour. With the notable Exception of Mojave Dessert, we are currently unsure if we are going to reformulate this one. We may just discontinue it.

The Five affected flavours are :

Base Zero - Nut Custard

Base Zero - Banoffee Custard

Spiritwalker Reborn - Chiri

Twisted Leaf - Chiri Blonde

Mojave Dessert. - we may have to wave goodbye to this one.

And ONLY these flavours - Nokomis Chiricahua Sun and Tribute Chiricahua Sun are NOT affected.

Many thanks for your support - we will do our best to make the new versions as fantastic as possible!


At some point over the next 10-14 days, we will be closing the website for a massive stock update and while we are moving our distribution centre - please keep your eye on your inbox and Planet Of The Vapes for more info when we know the exact dates. When we come back - we will be coming back with a LOT wider choice of products.

Kind regards

The Manabush Team.
And again - you and me both!
Any of these flavours you hit fella ?

I feel you're pain though....it happens to us DIY'ers all the time, from a commercial view point it must be a right scunner
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