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NW Chapter, Todays Rules and Regs

Cracking time. Great to meet you @Greebo and Paul. Next time, I reckon you'll be vaping! And also a warm welcome to Dai's missus. Mtl ftw!

High points?

Raffle went well and we raised some funds for our chosen charity for the event. (Something to do with rescuing animals...Sorry I forgot the name!)

We now know the contents of @3dj's strangely organised underwear drawer.

@butlerd's sartorial elegance deserves a special mention. Even the Aquascrotum flasher mac.

The fantastic curry afterwards. Good choice @city461

Negative points?

The obligatory "cloudy" group photo setting the smoke alarm off. The walk of shame downstairs to the loo straight after was interesting....I blame Duncan.

All in all a perfect bit of rest and recuperation, witty banter and Fruitinis.

Nice one everybody and see you all on the next one.
As above, another good day and well worth the trip. Good beer, good food, good laugh and new members of the North West chapter. Very pleased to meet @Greebo and Paul. [emoji38]
A grand day out. A special shout to @butlerd for coming all that way to see us again.
Good to meet @Greebo and Paul, even though she made lame excuses about forgetting the Jaffa cakes.
And cheers to @dg109 for getting me home safely.
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Top time. Thanks for making the missus welcome, all.

@Greebo she's collected a bottle of your homebrew that was left behind, pretty labelling and all

Not sure if it was the vape clouds or the steam coming off Jerry during the clone 'discussion'
@dg109. You'll have to get her a nice little MTL set up to vape it with now. Any excuse for a new shiny. ;)
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