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Officer - there's been some sort of mix up

I did a small mix party on Friday night, all inawera, a cola, a raspberry, a blueberry, and a frost with some added dnb, so we shall see, have had a prelim cola taste, and it is a bit like cola bottle sweets at the minute, which isn't a bad thing.
Let me know what the cola,s like after a steep quite fancy doing one of them cheers Andy
Mine dosen't seem to develop much l give it good shake once mixed and then 24 hours in the airing cupboard with the top off then shake again top on and leave for a week or so giving it a squeeze each day to freshen the air in the bottle and a good shake once a day but they just either stay the same or come out with indistinct flavours, l tried mixing 8 ml instead of 10 to see if the extra space made a difference but nope lol the only one that works well is Inawera's menthol, l've used tpa, f'arts, inawera and now capella, the capella are steeping now and have been for about 4 days
Capella does need a good steep Bryan123456 told me too steep the vc in sunshine check out the photos on the vc thread made a big difference mine went dark after a few weeks but the one in sunshine has changed dramatically over night ill still give it a couple of weeks but it looks lush now
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aww @AndyC1971 dont give up man if you cant do it theres little hope for the rest of us..

Lol, I have to admit, I think its because my tastebuds are really temperamental at the moment, but most of it tastes quite bland or funny. I will give it another bash in a few weeks. Anyway, just because I cant do it, doesnt mean you cant as I am pretty sh*t at everything I do!
Capella does need a good steep Brian123456 told me too steep the vc in sunshine check out the photos on the vc thread made a big difference mine went dark after a few weeks but the one in sunshine has changed dramatically over night ill still give it a couple of weeks but it looks lush now
Yeah l saw that and put the 2 capella flavours on the window sill earlier and just checked them, WOW !!! it's changed a hell of a lot in just a few hours lol :)
Yeah l saw that and put the 2 capella flavours on the window sill earlier and just checked them, WOW !!! it's changed a hell of a lot in just a few hours lol :)
youll be surprised how the flavour changes I tried mine and they were bland and rubbish before steeping there wicked now
that Boston cream pie sounds lush one too add too the list :P
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