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Ola, Buenos Dias etc.

As long as you stick to it, you will be up there with the big boys getting shinies in no time :D It CAN be frustrating at some points but that's what we're here for! to keep you puffin!

I have had 2 set backs, one that lasted 10 cigs and then just these past few weeks since my uncle died. I am proud to say I am back full time onto vaping the last 48 hours and I am really grateful for the alternative!
Ola crowman, nice to see you here welcome ... dos cervesas in the night owl bar on the house :strawberry:
Thanks again all.

Had my first evening of vaping last night, Wiz Mix Dr. Pepper, flavour is not bad but i found it started to dry my mouth out a bit and I got a little bit of a headache, but that may be from too much vaping before I'm used to it. My GF had her first evening of vaping too, she's on USA Freedom Smoke, Menthol, which IMO was much better with more vapor.

Interesting times for sure :14:
Vaping can dry the mouth a bit so I always have a drink to hand ( not necessarily alcoholic) and headache can be a symptom of a little too much nicotine. Everyone finds their level of Vaping and you'll soon get the hang of it.
Rule #1 of Vaping :) Always stay hydrated. Keep water at hand.

What MG is your nic liquid? I started with 36mg because I was a heavy smoker and worked my way down to about 18 in 8 months time.

Griz's mix's are 70pg / 30vg so I can't vape his constantly, I prefer 50/50 ... There really is a big difference.

The headache can be from a few things, lack of nicotine (if you were on the rollies, the nic content might be too low) If you are finding that you are chain vaping, you should increase your nic level.

Too much nicotine leads to headache as well, but also bears with it, nausea. I am sure at some point, while smoking, you smoked "too much" or think back to when you first started smoking and you felt ill... It's the same with vaping, side effects of too much nic.

Go check out http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?1075-Side-effects-of-vaping
Rule #1 of Vaping :) Always stay hydrated. Keep water at hand.

What MG is your nic liquid? I started with 36mg because I was a heavy smoker and worked my way down to about 18 in 8 months time.

Griz's mix's are 70pg / 30vg so I can't vape his constantly, I prefer 50/50 ... There really is a big difference.

The headache can be from a few things, lack of nicotine (if you were on the rollies, the nic content might be too low) If you are finding that you are chain vaping, you should increase your nic level.

Too much nicotine leads to headache as well, but also bears with it, nausea. I am sure at some point, while smoking, you smoked "too much" or think back to when you first started smoking and you felt ill... It's the same with vaping, side effects of too much nic.

Go check out http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?1075-Side-effects-of-vaping

Cheers, Its only 16mg, I only smoked 2 rollies an evening, sometimes a couple during the day but only if I was out and about on surveys for work. At weekends it would be the same, approx 2 in the evening, more if I went out.

I had 2 large mugs of tea afterwards and that was goooooood :D

Possibly another silly question....how do I know how much to vape? I mean, with a cigarette you smoke it till its gone.....vape is always there... :)
your body will tell you, if you start to get nauseas and head achy it's time to back off, eventually you will just put the ecig down without thinking about it.

I used to time myself, it would take 5-8 mins of smoking to finish a cig... so I would look at the clock and vape like I would smoke for that amount of time.
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