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Olbas oil

Conventional wisdom would seem to be that oil shouldn't be vaped.

Why is CBD oil an exception?

Conventional wisdom would seem to be that oil shouldn't be vaped.

Why is CBD oil an exception?


Most people don’t vape cbd oil, they use other forms of cbd that are soluble in vapable liquids such as pg.
Some "distilled" essential oils are OK, right? Many juice and concentrate makers use them.

The OP's question is valid. If its used in aromatherapy its a fair leap of logic to wonder if you can vape it.

Supposedly the ingredients are as follows:

Cajuput oil oil BPC

Clove oil EP

Eucalyptus oil EP

Juniperberry oil BPC

Levomenthol EP

Dementholised Mint oil BP

Wintergreen OIl BPC

Some of those ingredients are likely safe to vape but I wouldn't unless I did some deep research into everything it contains.
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I've just been in my cupboard and found this. Much stronger and rarer than Tiger Balm.

Not sure what it's made of though.
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