I prefer kanthal but I don't know why! I believe the difference is something about heat resistance, kanthal being able to take higher heat, but I could be completely wrong. I'm sure someone will be along who knows the science bit
The reason I ask is that .. with my kanthal Ive sometimes noticed a metally taste to my nova rebuilds .. which Ive put down to me bodging the build .. but Im wondering if my tastebuds are picking up the metally taste .. hence wanting to try both
ZT - do you run your Kanthal wire through a lighter flame before wrapping the coil? I find that this gets rid of the metallic taste. It also takes some of the spring out of it making it easier to wrap.
I'm not sure what my wire is, I'm using a 0.2mm SS wire that I have plenty of(around 5km at the last check) it wraps easily and vapes as well as any wire I have tried without any bad taste. I ought to look into whether its good for me.