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One to avoid Folks.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
I KNOW that these characters have been mentioned more than most, but I thought that it was worth recounting our recent experiences when attempting to make a purchase from Ecigwarehouse.

Carol ordered an item from them on the 4th of August. She did this without my knowledge :doh:

4th of August item ordered.
11th of August order confirmed.
17th of August item dispatched. Courier was EVRI. :11:
21st of August Carol emailed Ecigwarehouse requesting ETA of item.
25th of August they responded with message that they had contacted EVRI and item was LOST, they then reordered.
27th of August item Out Of Stock so refund requested and agreed by return email.

Today... 1st of September.
Email from their finance dept saying Refund issued. "Please allow 20 to 25 days for funds to be cleared"!!!!

Lesson learned. :12::12::12:

I would suggest that anyone considering purchasing from them, would be best advised to STOP, Think and then try elsewhere.

I've not come across anything good about them, hope the refund turns up Rob.
I very much doubt it will to be honest. Our Bank are poised to take action :16:
Good old Evri, worst one I had was, they lost it and crushed it. Oh the irony, it was a clone Jai Haze bridge, iirc, the Jenna.
My money is on Evri not actually losing anything because they were never given a package in the first place.
But I can be a cynical person.
Was thinking of ordering from Ecigwarehouse a while ago but someone on here told me they were Drop Shippers so i never bothered. Their prices aren't that good anyway compared to some. Never had any issue's with Hermes/Evri but i seem to be in the Minority when it comes to them.
I'll only use Evri/Hermes if the seller offers click and collect. For some reason Evri seem to have no problem delivering to Argos or Sainsbury but for home delivery they are abysmal. I've had 3 out of 4 no shows from them - the last two I didn't realise the seller was using that delightful company or I wouldn't have bothered.

Thanks for the heads up about ecigwarehouse - on my NO list.
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