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Opinion : Caliburn AK2 Versus GK2 Which is better - if either


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Jul 18, 2012
From the Manabush Blog : https://manabush.com/blogs/news-eve...urn-gk2-versus-the-uwell-caliburn-ak2-pod-kit

Opinion : The Uwell Caliburn GK2 versus The Uwell Caliburn AK2 Pod Kit

The Caliburn AK2 and GK2 Pod systems - which is better if either?

Both of these great little vape POD kits have for's and against's - these are my thoughts and opinions after several weeks of using both PODS heavily.

Spoiler : both are a much better option than a disposable vape!


In this world of a huge amount of confusing POD kits the company that constantly shines to the top of the list is Uwell with its fantastic Caliburn range of devices.

The latest two are the Uwell Caliburn AK2 Pod Kit and the Uwell Caliburn GK2 Pod kit, but which is better ? or do they both have a place?

Well this is an opinion piece based on several weeks now of using both kits, and spoiler alert they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

I personally started using the AK2 kit a few months ago when we first got them in as I was looking for something light and easy to carry on my Motorbike. Until recently I have been largely underwhelmed by POD kits (although I see and understand their attraction) being a long term rebuildable atomiser user.

The AK2 surprised me with its rendering of flavour - far superior to any POD kit I had tried before (although clearly I am no POD aficionado) - and to me flavour is everything, I quickly became accustomed to not having the weight and extra batteries / emergency wicking kit carry arounds I have been used to for the last 10 years or so, and they became a firm favourite. I was very surprised at the length of time the pods lasted as well (possibly the mesh) compared to stock coil tanks I have tried in the past, and I have a tendency as a tobacco fan to use some fairly heavy juices - although the leaf range which I have been on recently is kinda ideal for pod kits because its really not that heavy on the coils.

This was it I thought ... holidays sorted - going out sorted - then they bought out the GK2 Pod kit ... annoyingly this is one of the things I do not like about POD kits, the constant updating and need to buy different replaceable coils.

So .. My initial thoughts were "Nope, not playing - i will stick to the AK2"

However, having noted that the Caliburn GK2 also uses replaceable coils as well as PODS, thereby being a bit more earth friendly than the AK2 Pods by dint of the PODs themselves being infinitely re-usable (you can just change the coils) - it appealed to my greener side enough for me to warrant giving it a go. Also, the PODs have adjustable airflow .. also a bonus as Im very fussy about draw strength,

I set the GK2 up initially with the included 1ohm coil - and to be honest I found this somewhat underwhelming, Initially I wondered if this was possibly because I have become accustomed to the 0.9Ohm coils of the Ak2, although what difference 0.1Ohm i'm not sure! Now I believe it is the extra "step" not having a coil that is not directly integrated into the POD makes. I have come to this conclusion because I swapped it out for the 0.8Ohm coil and this was a great improvement.

The GK2 device itself does feel more robust than the AK2, it is very slightly taller and also wider, but both devices are really tiny, so I don't think is really an issue either way. It for sure has a better battery life which is a definite box tick for the GK2.

Do I have a favourite out of these devices? Im not sure I do per se, Im quite happy with both of them in my pocket. Both devices have really great flavour with the AK2 perhaps marginally pipping the GK2, Both devices are tiny - with the GK2 being very slightly larger. Both devices charge by USB-C will get a full charge in or around 20 minutes. The GK2 has a noticeably better battery life and replaceable coils - making pod waste a thing of the past, and it is for this reason I think that the next time I need a device like this I will probably go for the GK2, although if all that was available at the time was the AK2 - it would not be a deal breaker and I would happily pick that up instead.

Tip: when you are going to be out for awhile with these (or any other pod system) as your main devices, consider purchasing a power pack and take the correct charging lead with you (USB-C in the case of both of these devices). They both charge from flat to full in or around 20 minutes .. meaning you can keep topped up for as long as your power pack holds out - I use a 20000 mAh one from Amazon .. and it will charge them many many times over.

On top of that both of these items are equally preferable as an Alternative to the current slew of Disposable vapes out there ... but I'm guessing you all are starting to get my opinion on those particular items ...

You can find both of these devices from the links below.

The Uwell Caliburn AK2 Pod System

The Uwell Caliburn GK2 Pod System
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Ahh yeah i just cut n pasted it :)
Agreed. Suprisingly different devices given they share a very similar name. Both very good at what they do though.

I have been favouring the GK2 purely for the adjustment to the draw. Think I've been using 1.2 ohm mesh coils and these seem fine for flavour to me.
I have been favouring the GK2 purely for the adjustment to the draw. Think I've been using 1.2 ohm mesh coils and these seem fine for flavour to me.

Not tried the 1.2 yet. 1.0 I was alittle underwhelmed but 0.8 was good.

I’ll have to grab some 1.2s.
Not tried the 1.2 yet. 1.0 I was alittle underwhelmed but 0.8 was good.

I’ll have to grab some 1.2s.

Not tried the 1 ohm and probably won't bother now. But the 1.2 ohm seems to be as good as the 0.9 to me.
I have been favouring the GK2 purely for the adjustment to the draw. Think I've been using 1.2 ohm mesh coils and these seem fine for flavour to me.
I think i have got used to a certain level of “oomph”
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