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Oumier Wasp Nano Squonk Kit

There are regulated mods, where a regulator chip is used to either buck or boost the voltage coming from the battery.

There are unregulated mods, where the voltage is directly applied from the battery.

There are protected mods, where a chip can protect from short-circuits, reverse polarity, low voltage etc. One form of protection is to limit the wattage, or limit the ohms at which the mod will fire with a fully charged battery.

A Mech is unregulated and unprotected.

A Pico Squeeze, Wismec Luxotic, Asmodus Luna and this thing are unregulated and protected.

Now I have to go and bleach my eyes.

"Mech" with usb port :hmm:


Mech with USB - definitely screams blow up in the night as one of those silent features ....

I have to say it doesn't look half bad with that wasp nest patterm
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