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Out of date liquid


Jul 8, 2019
Hi guys, quick question...

I bought some liquid in a sale and it's arrived with an expiry date of May 2019, Is this going to be ok to vape?

It's illusions eliquid.

Openit upand give it a sniff ... smells like it should?
Squeeze a dab on a finger and taste it ... taste of what it should?
Load it up and vape on it ...
Haha fair play... the sniff and dab taste seemed fine... thanks for the advice, never even occurred to me to just taste it
There's quite a big margin on out of date juice. Think it should be fine for at least another year.
Iam sure it will be ok as its only 2 months out of date ive got some here i bought a little while ago and they are a year out of date and the taste just fine.
So i wouldn't worry to much if i were you......
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