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Oxygen Machine/Vaping


Sep 29, 2013
An elderly (81 years old) woman I know is interested in switching from smoking to vaping but she is on one of those oxygen machines 24/7. Is is safe to vape while she is connected to the oxygen?

PS She does take off the oxygen to smoke so could take it off to vape but should she be in the same room as the oxygen machine while vaping would be the better question.
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well, i am no doctor, but i would say she is more likely to explode with a lit cigarette than using a PV.
But as Midnight says, she would be better consulting a medical professional.
I don't see how vaping while in the same room should be a problem at all. But not knowing her lung condition, the main question I would have thought would be the effect, if any, that vapour or steam would have on her lungs. That is solely a question for her physician Sugar.
I know what I would do in that condition but I couldn't/wouldn't advocate it to others. Looks like the hospital it is then.
Hmm, If the Oxygen flow is off then it should be safe - or at least safer than a lit cigarette, however sh should as her Doctor - who will probably decide it's better than the real ones and less harmful...
Sugar As an oxygen user myself, and after discussing vaping at length with my Neurologist, the lady you know would be hugely safer with vaping. The only concern my Dr had was with the pre-made cartomisers (cig-a-like) because of the contents, when I started mixing my own the support I started to receive was/is fantastic and ALL of my issues have improved dramatically in the last 4 months :D

What type of oxygen therapy does she receive? Cyclinders or Concentrator with canula or masks?
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