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Pancake Man clones

150 ml each of Doh Nuts, Uni Milk, Sugar Bear, Teleos Crunch, Drumstix, Pankake Bloke, + Milk & Honey. Then the footy started, rest tomorrow.. Should be alright for juice in a month.. Cheers Ash.
Good man ;)

I need to order some scales and LDPE bottles. Can't keep using 10mls or glass xD
I mixed some up a few days ago and couldnt resist trying it today. Unfortunately its nowhere near ready
Bang your email in for a notification when its back in stock.. you have to be quick, it goes in minutes and hours, not days..

Managed to get some of the Pancake bloke and melons one shot concentrate. What Percentage Pancake bloke concentrate are you mixing with?
Managed to get some of the Pancake bloke and melons one shot concentrate. What Percentage Pancake bloke concentrate are you mixing with?
looking at VHB comments most are at 20%... That leg end @Huggett might interject here and offer his opinion... clean up after yourself Ash if you do interject.
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