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paps and paps x in stock at vapist.net

Came about five minutes ago, OMG what a thing of beauty! And the button is on another level, how is it possible to be that impressed by a button, but I am! It's smaller than I thought it would be, it's absolutely awesome. So happy I've got one! :yahoo:
Really shouldn't of read this post
Bought a 2.5 last night plus the 18500 tube
And I'm still waiting on my hammer from group buy that was going to be my first mech
Oh well
so @man_d what ya think of the 2.5, little beaut ain't it, the top pin and battery rattle screw can be a bit finiky at first but no biggie once set up

I've been looking at it and smiling all day, it's brilliant! And the button - OHHH the button! I've read threads about how great the button is before but you just can't appreciate what people mean til you get one :D
I've been looking at it and smiling all day, it's brilliant! And the button - OHHH the button! I've read threads about how great the button is before but you just can't appreciate what people mean til you get one :D

best button out there man_d , how could anyone improve, its perfection and so plain its beautiful a case of less is more :)
best button out there @man_d , how could anyone improve, its perfection and so plain its beautiful a case of less is more :)

Couldn't agree more. I didn't bother ordering a 18650 tube to go with it because I'm loving 18350 mods at the moment and I'm glad I didn't, it's perfect as it is. Do you use an 18650 tube with yours or do you stick with the perfect dinkiness?
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