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Parallel 18650 mod recommendations please


Dec 30, 2012
Hi folks.

I dont go for high powers and so I'm looking for battery life.....

Can anyone suggest any decent regulated mods that take parallel 18650s?

The istick TC100 looks okay :
Any comments on it?
Or other suggestions please?

Thanks :)
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TC100W would be series buddy to reach that wattage.

Can't think of any regulated parallel external cell mods, sorry mate.

If you don't mind built in, the Kanger KBox 70w.

It's 4,000mAh
TC100W would be series buddy to reach that wattage.

Can't think of any regulated parallel external cell mods, sorry mate.

If you don't mind built in, the Kanger KBox 70w.

It's 4,000mAh
Definitely parallel. 70w with one cell, 100w with both in ☺
But i do wonder if it'll damage them at full power?!
The Istick 100w TC is parallel. Tidy little mod too.
And with 20% off at slowtech tomorrow it'll be a steal at $30

Looks like i might be ordering one unless someone screams noooooooooo at me

Checked FT - make that $25. Woohoo
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