Having used the Paramour for a couple.of weeks, I notice a fair bit of movement now in the battery tube.
Without a secured battery, there is quite a bit of bit of rotation (and veritical too, as it's sprung at the +ve pin)
It's not a lot while screwing in a battery and once secured, there is no rotation, but the tube is free floating.
I have also noticed the heel plate (base plate) has lifted a mil or two away from the body.
When a battery is fully secured, the tube puts pressure on this area and outs pressure on/bends the plate - there are no securing screws on that side of the heel plate.
It's that, or the heel plate was originally ill fitting and I only noticed when I was inspecting the battery tube.
I had lifted the tube slightly verically and noticed the daylight between body and plate - when secured the battery tube fills the small gap and it is not so noticeable.
So that's a bit annoying.
Anyway, the original concern was play in the free-floating battery tube and whether over time this may cause a solder to fail.
Having dismantled and inspected; the majoity of the rotational/vertical movement stress is on the (-ve) solder to the body and less so at the (+ve)
Obviously it's not a lot of movement when screwing a fresh battery in, but it is there and potentially a solder cracker (though that's straightforward to resolve if it ever occurs)
I think I may look at modding the tube to prevent any movement at all - especially vertical - to take the pressure off the heel plate (which I'll have to straighten) Currently there is grit ingress via the gap too.
Hmm, short of epoxy or metal putty, Ii'll have to get the thinking cap on...