Gonloopy ..GVC recieved today ,can`t thank you enough,and all i can say is MMMMMMMM .Having only tried Hangsen vanilla custard before .i liked that one but Grants takes the MMMMMMMM to a whole new level .now i can see what all the love for it is about .wont be leaving the house without a tank of this
@Gonloopy pluid recieved and vaping well thank you VERYVERYVERYVERYVERY MUCH. i almost had an accident by forgetting to put the steel window on my kayfun lite , now that would have been a kick in the teeth but i swapped em over immediately. i had one of those weird moments were i looked at it and was like " err why is it green" oh sh*T CLEAR TANK. but no damage done lol.
i also loved the little note about how you found the extra bottle lol. you have very neet handwriting , it must be a woman thing as mines disgusting.
when i last shipped some stuff out rather than embarrassing myself and writing on them which was which so i didnt send them to the wrong adress. i just covered one of them in kitchen roll and drew on it with a highlighter.