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Review PFVapes - Lemon Grab


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Jul 18, 2012
A really nice lemony cake flavour is this, lovely smack of Lemon, possibly not for the more feint hearted amongst you. but a welcome refreshing cut thru juice after hours of tobaccos and desserts.

I dont really do fruit vapes .. there are a few that really sing out

this is one of them.

For those of us that can remember "Alice in Vapeland" this very much reminds me of "Lemon Loves Cake" which is no bad thing .. no bad thing at all.

If you like Lemon ... this is a juice to go for.

A different animal all together to @PlumeBlu s equally lush Cloud based lemon drizzle "Cirrus" (which I also totally recommend) this one is not the loving soft caress of Cirrus, this is more of a LEMON MUTHERFUCKER! kind of vape - and it works just as well in a totally different way.

Code : POTV10 i believe may ease the passage to lemonyness
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Yep, it is a lemon motherfucker alright, makes it easy to vape low or zero nic. Comes in zero by the way and still packs a punch, I'm mixing to get 1.5 mostly.
Code : POTV10 i believe may ease the passage to lemonyness

thanks for the code not tried this company before so looking forward to a decent lemon not had much luck mixing or finding one that suits my tastes yet so heres hoping this is it - thanks
Yep, it is a lemon motherfucker alright, makes it easy to vape low or zero nic. Comes in zero by the way and still packs a punch, I'm mixing to get 1.5 mostly.
Yeah .. I find I can vape it at a lower strength than I would normally go for
Yeah .. I find I can vape it at a lower strength than I would normally go for
Yeah, zero LG makes a good last vape at night and first vape in morning. Similar is Karma Frappe, waiting patiently for that to come in zero ... @pfvapes
2 tanks today - this is unusual for me with a fruit flavour
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