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pg vg mixing to make a 60/40 mix


Jul 9, 2014
was just wondering is it possible to mix pg and vg to make a ready mix of say 60/40 its just that i have both pg and vg in separate bottles and was wondering if doing this would make it easier to mix with nic and concentrates and this would be just till i buy more pg and vg already mixed
Would depend on a few variables, a mixing calc would help.

Lets say you use 72mg PG base nic and typically use 15% flavouring of which most are PG based. I'll assume you mix your e-liquids up at 12mg.

To make 100ml of your chosen 60/40 PG/VG e-juice you would need the following...

Base nic 16.7ml
PG 28.3ml
VG 40ml
PG based flavouring 15ml

That would give you a 60/40 PG/VG e-juice

So mix 40ml of VG with every roughly 28ml of PG to get your ready mixed PG/VG.

This would need adjusting if you use a different strength base nic, different flavour percent and different final mg of your e-liquid.
I tend to make a variety of bases with nic ... then use one of these bases to make up 10ml bottles or 5ml samples by adding the flavouring.
The final mix proportions are not accurate any more but I don't mind that, it's about being able to enjoy your juice and being able to replicate the good 'uns.

One consideration for me is that I handle the nic concentrate far less often than if I were mixing up everything from scratch. I don't see much advantage in mixing only the VG/PG. I used to think it might speed up maturation but the experts here say it doesn't. So it's just for speed and convenience really, with a nod towards nicotine safety.
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