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I see a lot of comments here saying that the pinkman tastes awful or has a foul aftertaste... same here :(

Pinkman however, was very faint. I upped the flavor total to 20%, which added a tiny bit more flavor but there's a really bad off taste, like burning rubber that is just gross...

Any mixing advice for me to make this work and get it as close to the original as possible?

20% could be over-flavoured for you. Maybe the right percentage is between 15% and 20% - try 17% ...
Try these vaping stig pods, you definitely enjoyed these multi-flavoured stigs.

Who originally made Pinkman? I've had Vapemate's version and I love it. Also could someone tell me where they buy their Pinkman concentrate from please?

Hello Vampire Vape made the original (and copy righted) version of Pinkman and Heisenberg! They were the owners original flavours which started off the company really interesting story if you ask the guys in their stores!
I personally love Pinkman, they did 10mls, concentrates, and a shortfill option :) Hope that helps.
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