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Planet Of The Vapes in Wrexham and Queensferry



Just a heads up...

This guy https://www.facebook.com/krazypizza...92156699047.1073741827.100005747883288&type=3 and https://www.facebook.com/mobilapz.wrexham (who says hes has no connection to Krazy Pizza OR the fake POTV in Queensferry) are using the POTV logo to sell his stuff claiming to be from "Planet of The Vapes".

Whoever he is, has absolutely nothing to do with POTV and if he is a member of this site, he should be ashamed of himself for profiting off of the backs of POTV's trademarked logo and its good name. If you are in Wrexham DO NOT PURCHASE THESE ITEMS and think you are getting them from POTV, POTV does not sell anything to the general public, we have no shops, or franchises to sell.

OccultScientist has contacted him with a cease and desist giving him 7 days before legal proceedings commence.

Have a look at this crappy advertising.

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Just found another one https://www.facebook.com/jesse.sidhu.900?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab

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View attachment 10315
SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS POST PLEASE! Tweet it, FB it, GOOGLE it, Reddit it, anything you can think of.
Is there anyone around Wrexham that could pop in and have a talk on behalf of POTV? What about the local councils or a cease and desist letter? small claims court?
If I could ask a favour of all of our members.
Can you please visit the Facebook page of this company and click the gear.
Then click report -> impersonating etc..

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