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Please Help. After the most flavourful sub ohm tank

Newbie vaper

Aug 9, 2021
After doing a little bit of reading I'm stuck between the smok tfv18 the freemax not sure which one or one of the horizontech tanks.

Which 1 do you recommend ?
Not used stock coilers for a few years.. All I will say is "step away from the SMOK"
Someone more knowledgeable on stock coilers will be along shortly
Any specific reason to step away from the smok ?
Yeah it's just not very good and neither are the coils. It all depends on what wattage you want, freemax coils are superb but most of them need high wattage to get the best out of them. Might be worth looking at the Vaporesso iTank as well as the coils are very flavoursome indeed.
Any specific reason to step away from the smok ?
Bad rep for poor quality coils from my distant memories of using them. There are much better sub ohm tanks out there. Some one will be along to enlighten you promptly :D
Have smok finally hit a home run with tanks and coils? Can't comment on that tank but I use the freemax m pro 2 tank along with the new generation coils (I use the M2 and M3 variants). Outstanding. I used the original m pro tanks and the old style coils for years prior to this. I used to build my own coils but I don't really see the need to now
Any specific reason to step away from the smok ?
yeh they are shite. QC when down the pan a few years back.
freemax mesh pro or pro 2. great coils great flavour.
pursonally prefering geekvape zeus ove all of them now as its top airflow so no leaks what so ever.
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