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Please recommend a sub-ohn tank with great performance and economical coils


Jun 24, 2015
I'm looking for some recommendations, please. I use a Nautilus and only a Nautilus... But I have a hankering for something that offers me a different vaping experience for occasional/evening use.

If I was to buy a sub-ohm tank with replaceable coils what would you recommend based on the following criteria:

- Great, trouble free performance, including consistently excellent flavour and NO leaks.

- Easy filling.

- Economical and long-lasting coils.

It isn't important that it should have a rebuildable section as I don't intend to use it, but it is important that the coils last longer than Nautilus BVC coils (barely three/four days) and are as economical to buy (i.e more at the GBP8.99 for five end of the market rather than fifteen quid for five!).

I would be most grateful for - and interested in - your suggestions. Thanks.
My sub tank mini is faultless. Great vape,great flavour i usually get 30ml of juice through a coil and I have sometimes had a coil in for 40ml of juice, depending on the juice.
Highly recommend.
Yeah, subtank mini fits your list.
Just seen them at £22.49 and new style vertical coils at £9.99 or £8.99 for the orrigionals. Both free P&P.
Another one for the subtank, the plus is the only sub ohm tank I have & can't knock it one bit
and another one.
cant fault the subtank mini. great flavour and coils last me a good 2-3 weeks and sometimes even longer if i dont push the wattage above 22.

my bvc nautilus mini coils (same as the bigger nautilus) last me a good couple of weeks but i max out the wattage at 14-15 so your doing something wrong. are you going over 15watts with yours? as that could be the problem. if not are they authentic coils.

dont forget the subtank is a lung hit tank and is totally different than mouth to lung. took me a day to get used to it but now its my custard heaven all day vape tank.
Even writing the original post the op must have known the Subtank would be the reply?!!

Do you like an airy vape? A warm or cool vape?
Even writing the original post the op must have known the Subtank would be the reply?!!

Do you like an airy vape? A warm or cool vape?

Yup reading the list of needs was like playing 'what am i'.
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