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Potentiometer? Wattage or voltage control... And charging.


Feb 10, 2016
Hi guys, I need some advice/info/schooling on a box mod plan.

I'm looking to build a dual 18650 parallel mod. This will be my first mod and I'm hitting a few hurdles.

I have acquired a donor dual parallel mod with display & mosfet... it fires like a beast, but its too much for me and I fancy having some sort of control.

Is it as simple as installing a potentiometer and away I go? From everything I've read so far, it seems I need some sort of chip or board to in order for it to work... I just require info on what pot use (200, 220 10k!?) And what chip is needed... Want to keep it cheap as I'm bound to screw up.

Also ordered a few USB charging boards, can I just shove that in fine with dual parallel or am I going to run into problems?

I vape around 30 watts all day long and just wanted the dual for longevity, charging for convenience and adjustable voltage for tank versatility... I can drop a battery if needs be, but can't do without the other two.

Any advice gratefully received.

Cheers :)
You can't just modulate the mosfet with a pot - you need a board like a Murata okr/okl or a Naos Raptor. Alternatively you could use a 555 timer to turn your mosfet on and off very fast - this approach is called PWM. modmaker.co.uk has all the parts you'd need, more importantly they have a good set of diagrams...
Thanks mate, I've got some stuff in the basket on that site and I'm ready to pull the trigger, I just wanted a bit more understanding of components.

What would you personally say is a good cheapish board and what ohm pot to use? There's an overwhelming amount of parts available and I just want a half decent first build and go from there.

Ive got a nice 1590g size box and have probably set the bar quite high in regards to space vs parts for a first build.
Depends on how you vape. The OKR-T/10 is good for 50watts. The cheaper Raptor for 60. The OKL2-T/20 and dearer Raptor are good for 120watts.

@seedy is the owner. I'm sure he'll help you out...
Ask @Seedy very nicely and he will help you out, lovely chap.

You might also want to up the ohmage on the coil you put onto the box, that'll reduce the available power, Ohms law and all that peachy stuff.
Thanks guys. I'd say because of the size of the box, cost and your experience, an okr board would be your best bet. The pot used is dictated by the voltage range on the data sheet for the board so there are different resistance pots for different boards. I'm happy to point you in the right direction when you've chosen.
FYI, the okr is good for 10a and around 50w. You won't damage it if you build your coils too low, it will just stutter on and off. Charging via USB won't work though as you'll need to have 2 batteries in series for this board or any other similar board.
The only other option is to use a board with a screen like an sx350 if you want USB charging.
I hope this helps
You could always make a unregulated duel parallel box to hone your skills if your not 100% sure yet. If you do this you can build your coils to suit needs rather than adjusting wattage. But I know the feeling of wanting vw/vv lol
Thanks so much for the input guys!

I think I'll go down the okr route... I'm a bit gutted about the charging as I really don't want to be charging batteries all the time, but I suppose it's something I should get into.

I've got parts for a parallel mosfet build, but I'm at the stage where I want to be able to switch tanks on the fly with no worries.

Im pretty much using my snow wolf mini exclusively at the moment and I suppose I want to build something similar to that. I wanted to have it simple with only the fire button visable and everything else packed inside. Im normally Vaping no more than 30w and between 2.6 and 3.6 volts depending on build.
Hi guys, I need some advice/info/schooling on a box mod plan.

I'm looking to build a dual 18650 parallel mod. This will be my first mod and I'm hitting a few hurdles.

I have acquired a donor dual parallel mod with display & mosfet... it fires like a beast, but its too much for me and I fancy having some sort of control.

Is it as simple as installing a potentiometer and away I go? From everything I've read so far, it seems I need some sort of chip or board to in order for it to work... I just require info on what pot use (200, 220 10k!?) And what chip is needed... Want to keep it cheap as I'm bound to screw up.

Also ordered a few USB charging boards, can I just shove that in fine with dual parallel or am I going to run into problems?

I vape around 30 watts all day long and just wanted the dual for longevity, charging for convenience and adjustable voltage for tank versatility... I can drop a battery if needs be, but can't do without the other two.

Any advice gratefully received.

Cheers :)
Hey just fyi potentiometer are inactive in parallel set ups. Poster who said try the 555 gave the most accurate answer, cheers
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