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praise be vaporbreak

Phantom Diablo

Sep 16, 2013
i placed order with them 2 days ago. paid premium DHL shipping ( still around £40-50 cheaper than if i ordered the items in UK.. and they have just arrived... so what is it that arrived? well here ya go. russian 91% and wolfs totem mod ( cost me £40 all in for both with DHL delivery . the mod telescopic and bit of a finger magnet but seems to be really nice and just tried it with my igo W and hitting like a mule on acid too.

Whats the Russian vaping like @Phantom Diablo I am tempted. I cannot se whether you get a choice between the SS or brushed one though.
vaporbreak have both. theres 2 little squares to the right of the image oen for plolished one for brushed. had a bit of a mare filling it up as took it apart first to check it all ( nice smooth threads ) and added the clear tank instead. but i dislofged an o ring so as i was filling it juice started coming outa the drip tip!
Precoiled at 2.1 ohms so will leave that be for now. as for how it vapes .. got some snake oil in it ( also have some snake oil in the new mech on the IGO W4 )
to compare the kayfun straight of the box is a cooler vape but flavour is full not so much clouds ) compared to the igo W which is using cotton wool on a 1.1ohm dual build and kicks like a mule with ton of cloud and slightly warmer.

thats more down to the builds than anything though. in terms of quality it looks the beez knees and at $22 ( about £14 ) you really cant argue. and for DHL it was $28. sounds alot ( £17 ) but when you think rm charge at £7 for next day and the huge amount you are saving on the cost of the kfl its well worth it.

shiny kfl here

oh and this mech mod i got

for $15 ( £9.17 ) its bloody awesome. telescopic. vert nice etching on side and bottom fire biutton reverse ocking ring. nice slick threads.. im a happy chappy right now!
just noticed they have kfl 3.1 listed too. mines is the russian 91% which was $1 more.. not sure what difference is tbh..

edit just checked no drip tip with the kfl and doesnt have the bottom fill hole
My 91% took a month,was covered in an oily gunk and grated like a rock on a cheese grater when it arrived today. Dismantled washed and carefully dried,cotton wick on 0.3 mm wire coil had me sucking on burnt cotton after working fine for an hour or so, so the rebuild was applied with the utmost care and it's now pushing out satisfying vapes with only the occasional whistle if I suck too hard.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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