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May 31, 2015
Hi all , can I ask what do you all think of the pre made coils you get on Amazon are they worth the money or not ?
what tank with which coils are you talking about.

personally i buy mine from myepack Accessories

or as said, a lot cheaper from china from FastTech or GearBest.
I am using a derringer at the moment on a subox! And I want a double coil to get a big plume of smoke
Building your own is cheapest... However buying pre built is just more convenience. I run 2 could in my derringer at 0.3ohm and it creates great clouds. That's just single wire kanthal as well.
I did buy some on Amazon at 0.5 ohm, put them in the derringer with juice and didn't get much flavour at all Could this be the coils or my wicking ? What I will need to do is try claptons I think.
Sooo 13hours ago had you already brought them before asking if they're any good?

Also pleeeease don't use the term 'big cloud of smoke', we don't smoke around here.

Laaaastly - post a piccie of what you've installed so we can have a looksie as to why you might not be getting any flavour etc.
Yes I had bought some and wanted to know if it was the coils or me that wasn't working properly I will post some piccies when I get home from work tonight and hopefully you can help me with advice or supply some good coils to gain big clouds of VAPE !
Thanks all
image.jpgok this is the Derringerwith 0.5 ohm coil and cotton bacon.image.jpg and this is the magma paradigm also with the same set up as above....
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