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Pregnant woman sacked from VPZ shop awarded £17k compo

I want vape retailers to grow and thrive, but this seems like a fair ruling to me.
“… As one of the country’s fastest growing companies, we have developed an inclusive culture that enables all of our people to develop and thrive.” We even let women work here, as long as they’re virgins… Who gets paid to write this bullocks?!? George Orwell was right, I’m not sure any public figures actually believe the rubbish they are spouting, they just lie and smile, even after they get caught :clapping:

“… As one of the country’s fastest growing companies, we have developed an inclusive culture that enables all of our people to develop and thrive.” We even let women work here, as long as they’re virgins… Who gets paid to write this bullocks?!? George Orwell was right, I’m not sure any public figures actually believe the rubbish they are spouting, they just lie and smile, even after they get caught :clapping:


"We value your privacy"

So now click here to accept 60 separate companies hoovering up every bit of data about you we can glean, and then cross referencing it with every bit of data 600 other companies hold about you until we know more about you than your own mother. Or make 40 other separate clicks to disable each of these companies' "legitimate interest" one by one, because we know you'll never be bothered to do that just to read a quick news article.

"Your call is important to us"

That's why we put you on hold for 45 minutes before putting you through to somebody who barely speaks your language and is therefore incapable of even understanding your problem, let alone resolving it, by parroting from a script.

Etc etc
How can you tell a politician (read CEO, business owner, police, bureaucrat etc) is lying? :hmm:

Their lips are moving :18:

Yeah, yeah, just having a bit of a laugh… Including business owners as a whole was perhaps a bit too much hyperbole, but I stand by the others :18: Accountability is a cornerstone of effective governance, and it has disappeared in a tidal wave of double-speak. This has even filtered down to small and medium businesses, and I feel like I’m living in a Monty Python sketch…”Nothing to see here, everything is just lovely!” while the world burns in the background.

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